Website Design
Website Design Prices
Basic package (3 WebPages) £400
- Home page
- About/Services page
- Enquiry/contact page
- Social media links to Facebook/Twitter if required
- Mobile & Tablet Friendly Design
- Basic On-page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and submission to major search engines
- INCLUDES – 1 year Option 1 Back Plan (See below)
All of our websites are built using the hugely popular WordPress content management system.
Additional pages – Please call for prices

ECommerce Websites
eCommerce package (3 WebPages as above + shop pages) £460
Turn your basic website into a professional e-Commerce on-line shop developed using the popular WooCommerce extension for WordPress.
Includes setup of up to 25 products, then £20 per additional 10 products.

Website Design Features
Wordpress –
35% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.
Updates & Backups –
Keep your site safe and secure with our great value Website Update & Backup packages.
Responsive Designs –
Responsive web design ensures web pages display well on all devices and screen sizes.
On Page SEO –
All of our websites are built using SEO friendly themes, and all pages are optimised to help give you the best Search Engine results for your site.
Website Update & Backup Packages
When we create your WordPress website at MCM Computer Services, we create a complete backup of the entire site design and contents so that in the event of your website being hacked, damaged or even if you need to move your site to a new website host, we are able to restore your site as quickly as possible.
However, WordPress and the plugins/addons that may be used in your website are continually being updated to improve security and features and to support web browsers as they themselves are updated.
Therefore we recommend additional periodic updates and backups of your website.
For each Update/Backup we perform on your website, we first create a new backup, then perform any updates available to WordPress and any addons used, we then take a further backup after the updates. We store 2 copies of each backup that we create, 1 on cloud storage and 1 locally at MCM Computer Services.

Option 1
4 Updates/Backups per year
If you are updating your site more than a few times a year, we would recommend 3 Monthly updates and backups.
Option 2
12 Updates/Backups per year
If your website is being regularly updated then we recommend Monthly updates and backups.